
Posts Tagged ‘sequence’

Likelihood of encountering a given sequence of statements

October 15, 2023 No comments

How many lines of code have to be read to be likely to encounter every meaningful sequence of S statements (a non-meaningful sequence would be the three statements break;break;break;)?

First, it is necessary to work out the likelihood of encountering a given sequence of statements within N lines of code.

If we just consider statements, then the following shows the percentage occurrence of the four kinds of C language statements (detailed usage information):

    Statement         % occurrence
    expression-stmt      60.3   
    selection-stmt       21.3
    jump-stmt            15.0 
    iteration-stmt        3.4

The following analysis assumes that one statement occupies one line (I cannot locate data on percentage of statements spread over multiple lines).

An upper estimate can be obtained by treating this as an instance of the Coupon collector’s problem (which assumes that all items are equally likely), i.e., treating each sequence of S statements as a coupon.

The average number of items that need to be processed before encountering all n distinct items is: E(n)=n*H_n, where H_n is the n-th harmonic number. When we are interested in at least one instance of every kind of C statement (i.e., the four listed above), we have: E(4)=8.33 right 9.

There are 4^3=64 distinct sequences of three statements, but only 3^3+3^2=36 meaningful sequences (when statements are not labelled, a jump-stmt can only appear at the end of a sequence). If we treat each of these 36 sequences as distinct, then E(36)=150.3 right 151, 3-line sequences, or 453 LOC.

This approach both under- and over-estimates.

One or more statements may be part of different distinct sequences (causing the coupon approach to overestimate LOC). For instance, the following sequence of four statements:


contains two distinct sequences of three statements, i.e., the following two sequences:

    expression-stmt       selection-stmt
    selection-stmt        expression-stmt
    expression-stmt       expression-stmt

There is a factor of 20-to-1 in percentage occurrence between the most/least common kind of statement. Does subdividing each kind of statement reduce this difference?

If expression-stmt, selection-stmt, and iteration-stmt are subdivided into their commonly occurring forms, we get the following percentages (where -other is the subdivision holding all cases whose occurrence is less than 1%, and the text to the right of sls- indicates the condition in an if-statement; data):

    Statement           % occurrence
    exs-func-call          22.3
    exs-object=object       9.6
    exs-object=func-call    6.0
    exs-object=constant     4.2
    exs-object_v++          2.4
    exs-other              15.7
    sls-object              3.3
    sls-object==object      1.9
    sls-!object             1.6
    sls-func-call           1.6
    sls-expression          1.2
    sls-other              11.7
    jump-stmt              15.0
    its-for                 2.1
    its-while               1.1

Function calls could be further broken down by number of arguments, but this would not have much impact because zero and one arguments are very common.

A more accurate model of the problem is needed.

A Markov chain approach handles both overlapping sequences, and statements having difference occurrence probabilities. For a sequence of length S, the calculation involves an (S+1) by (S+1) matrix. For a sequence of three of the same kind of statement (chosen because ‘same kind’ of sequences are least likely to match, for a given length), the transition matrix is:
M=(matrix{4}{4}{1-P_{Sk} P_{Sk} 0 0 1-P_{Sk} 0 P_{Sk} 0 1-P_{Sk} 0 0 P_{Sk} 0 0 0 1})

where P_{Sk} is the probability that statement Sk will occur. The last row is the absorbing state. For the general case, see: Pattern Markov chains: Optimal Markov chain embedding through deterministic finite automata.

To calculate the probability that a sequence of the same kind of statement, of length S, occurs within a sequence of N statements, this transition matrix is multiplied N-1 times (i.e., raised to the power N-1). The following code is an implementation in R (python script handling the general case):

seq_prob = function(N, s_len, Sk)
Sp=rep(Sk, s_len)
P=matrix(0, nrow = s_len+1, ncol = s_len+1) # Transition matrix
P[ , 1]=1-c(Sp, 1) # Probability of not occurring: first column
op=cbind(1:s_len, (1:s_len)+1) # diagonal for occurrence probabilities
P[op]=Sp           # assign occurrence probabilities
P[s_len+1, s_len+1]=1 # absorbing state
R=P # result value
for (n in 2:N)
   R=R %*% P # matrix multiply
# Calculate probability for N equiprobable occurrences
# Result in last column of first row
N = 100
likelihood=seq_prob(N, seq_len, sk)[1, seq_len+1]

If the occurrence likelihood of Sk=0.01 (i.e., 1%), then the likelihood of encountering a sequence of three such statements in a sequence of 3 lines is 10^{-6} (i.e., 0.0001%), while for a sequence of 100 lines it is 9.7*10^{-5}.

The number of statements contained in a function varies. To calculate the likelihood of encountering a particular sequence of three statements in a program, or collection of programs, we need to find the likelihood over all function lengths, adjusting for the probability of encountering functions containing a given number of statements.

The plot below shows the cumulative percentage of code as function LOC increases (data from Landman, Serebrenik, Bouwers and Vinju; plot code):

Cumulative sum of SLOC percentage against function length (in lines).

Calculating the likelihood of encountering a given sequence length in a function containing a given number of LOC (ignoring local definitions and blank lines), and then adjusting for the probability of a function containing a given number of LOC, the likelihood of encountering a sequence containing 3-to-10 of the same kind of statement (whose likelihood of occurrence is 1%) is given by the following table (calculation code):

seq length   Occurrence likelihood
    3               2.3e-05
    4               2.2e-07
    5               2.1e-09
    6               2.0e-11
    7               2.0e-13
    8               1.9e-15
    9               1.8e-17
   10               1.8e-19

These values can be used to calculate the likelihood of encountering this ‘1%’ statement sequence in a repo containing N C functions. For instance, in 1 million functions the likelihood of one instance of a three ‘1%’ same-kind statement sequence is: 1-(1-2.3*10^{-5})^{10^6} approx 1. For a repo containing one billion functions of C, there is an 88% chance of encountering a sequence of five such statements.

The sequence occurrence likelihood for Java will be smaller because Java functions contain fewer LOC.

At the subdivision level of kind-of-statement that has been found to occur in 1% of all statements, sequences up to five long are likely to be encountered at least once in a billion functions, with sequences containing more common statements occurring at a greater rate.

Sequences of kind-of-statements whose occurrence rate is well below 1% are unlikely to be encountered.

This analysis has assumed that the likelihood of occurrence of each statement in a sequence is independent of the other statements in the sequence. For some kind-of-statement this is probably not true, but no data is available.

The pervasive use of common statement sequences enables LLMs to do a good job of predicting what comes next.

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Transition probabilities when adjacent sequence items must be different

September 25, 2012 2 comments

Generating a random sequence from a fixed set of items is a common requirement, e.g., given the items A, B and C we might generate the sequence BACABCCBABC. Often the randomness is tempered by requirements such as each item having each item appear a given number of times in a sequence of a given length, e.g., in a random sequence of 100 items A appears 20 times, B 40 times and C 40 times. If there are rules about what pairs of items may appear in the sequence (e.g., no identical items adjacent to each other), then sequence generation starts to get a bit complicated.

Let’s say we want our sequence to contain: A 6 times, B 12 times and C 12 times, and no same item pairs to appear (i.e., no AA, BB or CC). The obvious solution is to use a transition matrix containing the probability of generating the next item to be added to the end of the sequence based on knowing the item currently at the end of the sequence.

My thinking goes as follows:

  • given A was last generated there is an equal probability of it being followed by B or C,
  • given B was last generated there is a 6/(6+12) probability of it being followed by A and a 12/(6+12) probability of it being followed by C,
  • given C was last generated there is a 6/(6+12) probability of it being followed by A and a 12/(6+12) probability of it being followed by B.

giving the following transition matrix (this row by row approach having the obvious generalization to more items):

                 Second item
               A      B       C
          A    0     .5      .5
item      B   .33     0      .67
          C   .33    .67      0

Having read Generating constrained randomized sequences: Item frequency matters by Robert M. French and Pierre Perruchet (from whom I take these examples and algorithm on which the R code is based), I now know this algorithm for generating transition matrices is wrong. Before reading any further you might like to try and figure out why.

The key insight is that the number of XY pairs (reading the sequence left to right) must equal the number of YX pairs (reading right to left) where X and Y are different items from the fixed set (and sequence edge effects are ignored).

If we take the above matrix and multiply it by the number of each item we get the following (if A occurs 6 times it will be followed by B 3 times and C 3 times, if B occurs 12 times it will be followed by A 4 times and C 8 times, etc):

                 Second item
               A      B       C
          A    0      3       3
item      B    4      0       8
          C    4      8       0

which implies the sequence will contain AB 3 times when counted forward and BA 4 times when counted backwards (and similarly for AC/CA). This cannot happen, the matrix is not internally consistent.

The correct numbers are:

                 Second item
               A      B       C
          A    0      3       3
item      B    3      0       9
          C    3      9       0

giving the probability transition matrix:

                 Second item
               A      B       C
          A    0     .5      .5
item      B   .25     0      .75
          C   .25    .75      0

This kind of sequence generation occurs in testing and I wonder how many people have made the same mistake as me and scratched their heads over small deviations from the expected results.

The R code to calculate the transition matrix is straight forward but obscure unless you have the article to hand:

# Calculate expression (3) from:
# Generating constrained randomized sequences: Item frequency matters
# Robert M. French and Pierre Perruchet
# expected number of transitions
ni_nj=(item_count %*% t(item_count))/(N_total-1)
diag(ni_nj) = 0
# expected number of repeats
# Now juggle stuff around to put the repeats someplace else
s_k=n - 2*n_k
R_i=d_k / s_k
new_ij=ni_nj*(1-R) + (n_k %*% t(R_i)) +  (R_i %*% t(n_k))
tp=tc / rowSums(tc)  # relies on recycling

the following calls:

transition_count(c(6, 12, 12))
transition_prob(c(6, 12, 12))

return the expected results.

French and Perruchet provide an Excel spreadsheet (note this contains a bug, the formula in cell F20 should start with F5 rather than F6).

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