
Posts Tagged ‘modeling’

Patches for the code of Peter Turchin’s Attrition Warfare Model

December 17, 2023 No comments

The paper Empirically Testing Predictions of an Attrition on Warfare Model for the War in Ukraine, by Peter Turchin, recently showed up during one of my regular searches for software engineering data. A quick scan of the paper founded that it is very empirical, and that the analysis coding was done in R; I could not resist checking out the source code.

One of my first jobs was helping academics fix coding issues with the programs they had written to solve scientific/engineering problems, and this R code reminded me of several habits of scientists who code: the single letter variables used in equations are directly mapped to identifier names, and there is no structure to the code. The code is so short (86 lines) that the lack of structure is a minor inconvenience; a few thousand lines, and it becomes a major headache. The code for Imperial’s COVID model was ten times larger.

Two mistakes in the code/paper jumped out at me, leading to this post. First, some background.

The empirical predictions in the paper are intended to provide insight into who is likely to win the ongoing Ukraine/Russia war. Fighting requires soldiers and these are killed/wounded over time. The country that does not have enough soldiers to at least keep the opposition at bay, looses.

Turchin has proposed what he calls the Attrition War model, based on Lanchester’s laws (various attempts to validate Lanchester’s models, lots of maths to shake a stick at), and the paper solves this model’s set of eight differential equations (each country has the same set of four equations; the connection between the two sets is that one country’s casualty rate and Army size is influenced by the opposing country’s stock of war matériel). The four quantities modelled are casualties, army size, stock of warfare matériel, and production capacity.

Getting predictions out of differential equations requires being able to find a solution to the equations and feeding in numeric values for the various parameters.

Solving the equations is a maths problem, i.e., no knowledge of military matters required. Selecting the equations to solve and the numeric values to feed into the solution is what requires military knowledge. I don’t know anything about military matters; the following analysis is purely related to writing code to solve a set of differential equations, using the equations plus numeric values in Turchin’s November 2023 paper.

For obvious reasons, countries involved in the war do not publish information on the quantities modelled by these equations (which are also likely to be time-dependent). Turchin addresses the changeable nature of the numeric values by introducing various random components into his Attrition model.

From the perspective of solving the eight equations and presenting the results, the following are the two mistakes that jumped out at me (both involving the implementation of the random component):

  • When a model contains a random component, there will be a huge/infinite number of possible solutions. The takeaway plots in the paper show a single solution (for each of the four variables/two countries), with the width of the plotted lines and their fluctuating appearance suggesting that they contain multiple solutions. The plot below left shows the solution for artillery shell production over time, as it appears in the paper, while the plot below right shows 100 solutions (each line is a different solution; code):

    Estimated growth in Ukraine/Russian war materiel produced over 5-years.

    The wedge of lines shows the range of possible solutions (each line drawn overwrites anything previously drawn, and plotting with transparent colors would show the density of solution at a given point; I decided to keep the code simple).

  • All the random components are assumed to have a Gaussian distribution. When distribution information is not available, this is usually a safe choice. However, two of the random components must always have non-negative values (i.e., casualties and matériel used can never be negative). The Poisson distribution is the obvious candidate, and a simple search turned up an empirical paper agreeing with this choice (at least for casualties).

    The plot below left shows one solution for the number of casualties over time, using the original code, while the plot below right shows 100 solutions using a Poisson distribution for the random component (code):

    Estimated growth in Ukraine/Russian casualties over 5-years.

    With a Poisson random component, the solutions don’t meander as much, and the variance is smaller than when a Gaussian is used. Technically, it is a more accurate model (if more variance is to be expected a Negative Binomial distribution could be used; see commented out code)

    The latest (November) UK government estimate of Russian casualties is 300K, roughly three times larger than predicted by Turchin’s model. Changing the value for the ‘conversion rate of expended matériel to casualties’ from 1/30 to 1/10 brings the casualty prediction inline with current estimates (we have been hearing a lot about the accuracy of the Ukrainian targetting; see code for details).

I have also reworked the code to add some structure, e.g., separating out solving the equations and setting the initial conditions.

Turchin used the traditional approach to solving differential equations, the one we are taught at school. Before seeing the code, I was half expecting to see a System dynamics approach. The advantage of a systems dynamic approach is flexibility (i.e., easier to add more components) and visualization (i.e., a chart showing what feeds into/out of what); an example. There is an R-based book: System Dynamics Modelling with R.

Effort estimation’s inaccurate past and the way forward

July 19, 2020 3 comments

Almost since people started building software systems, effort estimation has been a hot topic for researchers.

Effort estimation models are necessarily driven by the available data (the Putnam model is one of few whose theory is based on more than arm waving). General information about source code can often be obtained (e.g., size in lines of code), and before package software and open source, software with roughly the same functionality was being implemented in lots of organizations.

Estimation models based on source code characteristics proliferated, e.g., COCOMO. What these models overlooked was human variability in implementing the same functionality (a standard deviation that is 25% of the actual size is going to introduce a lot of uncertainty into any effort estimate), along with the more obvious assumption that effort was closely tied to source code characteristics.

The advent of high-tech clueless button pushing machine learning created a resurgence of new effort estimation models; actually they are estimation adjustment models, because they require an initial estimate as one of the input variables. Creating a machine learned model requires a list of estimated/actual values, along with any other available information, to build a mapping function.

The sparseness of the data to learn from (at most a few hundred observations of half-a-dozen measured variables, and usually less) has not prevented a stream of puffed-up publications making all kinds of unfounded claims.

Until a few years ago the available public estimation data did not include any information about who made the estimate. Once estimation data contained the information needed to distinguish the different people making estimates, the uncertainty introduced by human variability was revealed (some consistently underestimating, others consistently overestimating, with 25% difference between two estimators being common, and a factor of two difference between some pairs of estimators).

How much accuracy is it realistic to expect with effort estimates?

At the moment we don’t have enough information on the software development process to be able to create a realistic model; without a realistic model of the development process, it’s a waste of time complaining about the availability of information to feed into a model.

I think a project simulation model is the only technique capable of creating a good enough model for use in industry; something like Abdel-Hamid’s tour de force PhD thesis (he also ignores my emails).

We are still in the early stages of finding out the components that need to be fitted together to build a model of software development, e.g., round numbers.

Even if all attempts to build such a model fail, there will be payback from a better understanding of the development process.

Comments on the COVID-19 model source code from Imperial

April 5, 2020 10 comments

At the end of March a paper modelling the impact of various scenarios on the spread of COVID-19 infections, by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College, appears to have influenced the policy of the powers that be. This group recently started publishing their modelling code on Github (good for them).

Most of my professional life has been spent analyzing other peoples’ code, for one reason or another (mostly Fortran, then Pascal, and then C). I had heard that the Imperial software was written in C, but the released code is written in R (as of six hours ago there is the start of a Python version). Ok, I can work with R, but my comments will be general, since I don’t have lots of in depth experience reading R code.

The code comes from a research context, and is evolving, i.e., some amount of messiness is to be expected.

There is not a lot of code to talk about (248 lines setting things up, 111 lines for a Stan model, 371 lines of plotting code, and 85 lines of utility code). The analysis is performed by creating a model using the Stan statistical inference language (in which the high level structure of the problem is specified, compiled to a lower level form and then run; the Stan language is very similar to R). These days lots of problems are coded using a relatively small number of lines that call fancy libraries to do the heavy lifting. It is becoming rare to have to write tens of thousands of lines of code to solve a problem.

I have two points to make about the code, all designed to reduce the likelihood of mistakes being made by the person working on the source. These points mainly apply to the Stan code, because that is where the important stuff happens, but are equally applicable to all code.

  • Numeric literals are embedded in the code, values include: 2.4, 1.0, 0.5, 0.03, 1e-5, and 1e-9. These values obviously mean something to the person who wrote the code, and they can probably be interpreted by experts in the spread of virus infections. But why are they scattered about the code, rather than appearing together (as a sequence of assignments to variables with meaningful names)? Having all the constants in one place makes it easier to spot when a mistake has been made, e.g., one value has been changed without a corresponding change in another value; it also makes it easier for people new to the code to figure out what is going on,
  • when commenting out code, make it very obvious, e.g., have /********************** on its own line, and *****************************/ on its own line. Using just /* and */ makes it easy to miss that code has been commented out.

Why have they started a Python implementation? Perhaps somebody on the team is more comfortable working with Python (when deadlines loom, it is always best to go with what you know).

Having both an R and Python version is good, in that coding mistakes are likely to show up as inconsistencies in the results produced. It’s always good to have the output of two independently written programs to compare (apart from the fact it may cost twice as much).

The README mentions performance issues. I imagine that most of the execution time is spent in the Stan code, so R vs. Python is not a performance issue.

Any reader with expertise tuning Stan models for performance might like to check out the code. I’m sure the Imperial folk would be happy to hear about worthwhile speed-ups.


The R source code of the EuroMOMO model, which aims to “… explain number of deaths by a baseline, influenza activity and extreme ambient temperature.”

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Predictive Modeling: 15th COW workshop

October 26, 2011 No comments

I was at a very interesting workshop on Predictive Modeling and Search Based Software Engineering on Monday/Tuesday this week and am going to say something about the talks that interested me. The talks were recorded and the videos will appear on the web site in a few weeks. The CREST Open Workshop (COW) runs roughly once a month and the group leader, Mark Harman, is always on the lookout for speakers, do let him know if you are in the area.

  • Tim Menzies talked about how models built from one data set did well on that dataset but often not nearly as well on another (i.e., local vs global applicability of models). Academics papers usually fail to point out that that any results might not be applicable outside of the limited domain examined, in fact they often give the impression of being generally applicable.

    Me: Industry likes global solutions because it makes life simpler and because local data is often not available. It is a serious problem if, for existing methods, data on one part of a companies software development activity is of limited use in predicting something about a different development activity in the same company and completely useless at predicting things at a different company.

  • Yuriy Brun talked about something that is so obviously a good idea it is hard to believe that it had not been done years ago. The idea is to have your development environment be aware of what changes other software developers have made to their local copies of source files you also have checked out from version control. You are warned as soon your local copy conflicts with somebody else’s local copy, i.e., a conflict would occur if you both check in your local copy to the central repository. This warning has the potential to save lots of time by having developers talk to each about resolving the conflict before doing any more work that depends on the conflicting change.

    Crystal is a plug-in for Eclipse that implements this functionality and Visual studio support is expected in a couple of releases time.

    I have previously written about how multi-core processors will change software development tools and I think this idea falls into that category.

  • Martin Shepperd presented a very worrying finding. An analysis of the results published in 18 papers dealing with fault prediction found that the best predictor (over 60%) of agreement between results in different papers was co-authorship. That is, when somebody co-authored a paper with another person any other papers they published were more likely to agree with other results published by that person than with results published by somebody they had not co-authored a paper with. This suggests that each separate group of authors is doing something different that significantly affects their results; this might be differences in software packages being used, differences in configuration options or tuning parameters, so something else.

    It might be expected that agreement between results would depend on the techniques used, but Shepperd et als analysis found this kind of dependency to be very small.

    An effect is occurring that is not documented in the published papers; this is not how things are supposed to be. There was lots of interest in obtaining the raw data to replicate the analysis.

  • Camilo Fitzgerald talked about predicting various kinds of feature request ‘failures’ and presented initial results based on data mined from various open source projects; possible ‘failures’ included a new feature being added and later removed and significant delay (e.g., 1 year) in implementing a requested feature. I have previously written about empirical software engineering only being a few years old and this research is a great example of how whole new areas of research are being opened up by the availability of huge amounts of data on open source projects.

    One hint for PhD students: It is no good doing very interesting work if you don’t keep your web page up to date so people can find out more about it

I talked to people who found other presentations very interesting. They might have failed to catch my eye because my interest or knowledge of the subject is low or I did not understand their presentation (a few gave no background or rationale and almost instantly lost me); sometimes the talks during coffee were much more informative.