
Posts Tagged ‘limited memory’

Memory capacity growth: a major contributor to the success of computers

October 4, 2020 6 comments

The growth in memory capacity is the unsung hero of the computer revolution. Intel’s multi-decade annual billion dollar marketing spend has ensured that cpu clock frequency dominates our attention (a lot of people don’t know that memory is available at different frequencies, and this can have a larger impact on performance that cpu frequency).

In many ways memory capacity is more important than clock frequency: a program won’t run unless enough memory is available but people can wait for a slow cpu.

The growth in memory capacity of customer computers changed the structure of the software business.

When memory capacity was limited by a 16-bit address space (i.e., 64k), commercially saleable applications could be created by one or two very capable developers working flat out for a year. There was no point hiring a large team, because the resulting application would be too large to run on a typical customer computer. Very large applications were written, but these were bespoke systems consisting of many small programs that ran one after the other.

Once the memory capacity of a typical customer computer started to regularly increase it became practical, and eventually necessary, to create and sell applications offering ever more functionality. A successful application written by one developer became rarer and rarer.

Microsoft Windows is the poster child application that grew in complexity as computer memory capacity grew. Microsoft’s MS-DOS had lots of potential competitors because it was small (it was created in an era when 64k was a lot of memory). In the 1990s the increasing memory capacity enabled Microsoft to create a moat around their products, by offering an increasingly wide variety of functionality that required a large team of developers to build and then support.

GCC’s rise to dominance was possible for the same reason as Microsoft Windows. In the late 1980s gcc was just another one-man compiler project, others could not make significant contributions because the resulting compiler would not run on a typical developer computer. Once memory capacity took off, it was possible for gcc to grow from the contributions of many, something that other one-man compilers could not do (without hiring lots of developers).

How fast did the memory capacity of computers owned by potential customers grow?

One source of information is the adverts in Byte (the magazine), lots of pdfs are available, and perhaps one day a student with some time will extract the information.

Wikipedia has plenty of articles detailing cpu performance, e.g., Macintosh models by cpu type (a comparison of Macintosh models does include memory capacity). The impact of Intel’s marketing dollars on the perception of computer systems is a PhD thesis waiting to be written.

The SPEC benchmarks have been around since 1988, recording system memory capacity since 1994, and SPEC make their detailed data public 🙂 Hardware vendors are more likely to submit SPEC results for their high-end systems, than their run-of-the-mill systems. However, if we are looking at rate of growth, rather than absolute memory capacity, the results may be representative of typical customer systems.

The plot below shows memory capacity against date of reported benchmarking (which I assume is close to the date a system first became available). The lines are fitted using quantile regression, with 95% of systems being above the lower line (i.e., these systems all have more memory than those below this line), and 50% are above the upper line (code+data):

Memory reported in systems running the SPEC benchmark on a given date.

The fitted models show the memory capacity doubling every 845 or 825 days. The blue circles are memory that comes installed with various Macintosh systems, at time of launch (memory doubling time is 730 days).

How did applications’ minimum required memory grow over time? I have a patchy data for a smattering of products, extracted from Wikipedia. Some vendors probably required customers to have a fairly beefy machine, while others went for a wider customer base. Data on the memory requirements of the various versions of products launched in the 1990s is very hard to find. Pointers very welcome.

Parsing ambiguous grammars (part 1)

March 4, 2009 No comments

Parsing a language is often much harder than people think, perhaps because they have only seen examples that use a simple language that has been designed to make explanation easy. Most languages in everyday use contain a variety of constructs that make the life of a parser writer difficult. Yes, there are parser generators, tools like bison, that automate the process of turning a grammar into a parser and a language’s grammar is often found in the back of its reference manual. However, these grammars are often written to make the life of the programmer easier, not the life of the parse writer.

People may have spotted technical term like LL(1), LR(1) and LALR(1); what they all have in common is a 1 in brackets, because they all operate by looking one token ahead in the input stream. There is a big advantage to limiting the lookahead to one token, the generated tables are much smaller (back in the days when these tools were first created 64K was considered to be an awful lot of memory and today simple programs in embedded processors, with limited memory, often use simple grammars to parse communication’s traffic). Most existing parser generators operate within this limit and rely on compiler writers to sweat over, and contort, grammars to make them fit.

A simple example is provided by PL/1 (most real life examples tend to be more complicated) which did not have keywords, or to be exact did not restrict the spelling of identifiers that could be used to denote a variable, label or procedure. This meant that in the following code:

IF x THEN y = z; ELSE = w;

when the ELSE was encountered the compiler did not know whether it was the start of the alternative arm of the previously seen if-statement or an assignment statement. The token appearing after the ELSE needed to be examined to settle the question.

In days gone-by the person responsible for parsing PL/1 would have gotten up to some jiggery-pokery, such as having the lexer spot that an ELSE had been encountered and process the next token before reporting back what it had found to the syntax analysis.

A few years ago bison was upgraded to support GLR parsing. Rather than lookahead at more tokens a GLR parser detects that there is more than one way to parse the current input and promptly starts parsing each possibility (it is usually implemented by making copies of the appropriate data structures and updating each copy according to the particular parse being followed). The hope is that eventually all but one of these multiple parsers will reach a point where they cannot successfully parse the input tokens and can be killed off, leaving the one true parse (the case where multiple parses continue to exist was discussed a while ago; actually in another context).