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Reliability chapter of ‘evidence-based software engineering’ updated

The Reliability chapter of my evidence-based software engineering book has been updated (draft pdf).

Unlike the earlier chapters, there were no major changes to the initial version from over 18-months ago; we just don’t know much about software reliability, and there is not much public data.

There are lots of papers published claiming to be about software reliability, but they are mostly smoke-and-mirror shows derived from work down one of several popular rabbit holes:

The growth in research on Fuzzing is the only good news (especially with the availability of practical introductory material).

There is one source of fault experience data that looks like it might be very useful, but it’s hard to get hold of; NASA has kept detailed about what happened using space missions. I have had several people promise to send me data, but none has arrived yet :-(.

Updating the reliability chapter did not take too much time, so I updated earlier chapters with data that has arrived since they were last released.

As always, if you know of any interesting software engineering data, please tell me.

Next, the Source code chapter.

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