Modeling visual studio C++ compile times
Last week I spotted an interesting article on the compile-time performance of C++ compilers running under Microsoft Windows. The author had obviously put a lot of work into gathering the data, and had taken care to have multiple runs to reduce the impact of random effects (128 runs to be exact); but, as if often the case, the analysis of the data was lackluster. I posted a comment asking for the data, and a link was posted the next day 🙂
The compilers benchmarked were: Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017 and clang 7.0.1; the compilers were configured to target: C++20, C++17, C++14, C++11, C++03, or C++98. The source code used was 100 system headers.
If we are interested in understanding the contribution of each component to overall compile-time, the obvious fist regression model to build is:
where: are the different headers,
the different compilers and
the different target languages. There might be some interaction between variables, so something more complicated was tried first; the final fitted model was (code+data):
where is a constant (the
in R’s summary output). The following is a list of normalised numbers to plug into the equation (clang is the default compiler and C++03 the default language, and so do not appear in the list, the :
symbol represents the multiplication; only a few of the 100 headers are listed, details are available):
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) headerany 1.000000000 0.051100398 headerarray headerassert.h 0.522336397 -0.654056185 ... headerwctype.h headerwindows.h -0.648095154 1.304270250 compilerVS15 compilerVS17 -0.185795534 -0.114590143 languagec++11 languagec++14 0.032930014 0.156363433 languagec++17 languagec++20 0.192301727 0.184274629 languagec++98 compilerVS15:languagec++11 0.001149643 -0.058735591 compilerVS17:languagec++11 compilerVS15:languagec++14 -0.038582437 -0.183708714 compilerVS17:languagec++14 compilerVS15:languagec++17 -0.164031495 NA compilerVS17:languagec++17 compilerVS15:languagec++20 -0.181591418 NA compilerVS17:languagec++20 compilerVS15:languagec++98 -0.193587045 0.062414667 compilerVS17:languagec++98 0.014558295 |
As an example, the (normalised) time to compile wchar.h
using VS15 with languagec++11 is:
Each component adds/substracts to/from the normalised mean.
Building this model didn’t take long. While waiting for the kettle to boil, I suddenly realised that an additive model was probably inappropriate for this problem; oops. Surely the contribution of each component was multiplicative, i.e., components have a percentage impact to performance.
A quick change to the form of the fitted model:
Taking the exponential of both side, the fitted equation becomes:
The numbers, after taking the exponent, are:
(Intercept) headerany 9.724619e+08 1.051756e+00 ... headerwctype.h headerwindows.h 3.138361e-01 2.288970e+00 compilerVS15 compilerVS17 7.286951e-01 7.772886e-01 languagec++11 languagec++14 1.011743e+00 1.049049e+00 languagec++17 languagec++20 1.067557e+00 1.056677e+00 languagec++98 compilerVS15:languagec++11 1.003249e+00 9.735327e-01 compilerVS17:languagec++11 compilerVS15:languagec++14 9.880285e-01 9.351416e-01 compilerVS17:languagec++14 compilerVS15:languagec++17 9.501834e-01 NA compilerVS17:languagec++17 compilerVS15:languagec++20 9.480678e-01 NA compilerVS17:languagec++20 compilerVS15:languagec++98 9.402461e-01 1.058305e+00 compilerVS17:languagec++98 1.001267e+00 |
Taking the same example as above: wchar.h
using VS15 with c++11. The compile-time (in cpu clock cycles) is:
Now each component causes a percentage change in the (mean) base value.
Both of these model explain over 90% of the variance in the data, but this is hardly surprising given they include so much detail.
In reality compile-time is driven by some combination of additive and multiplicative factors. Building a combined additive and multiplicative model is going to be like wrestling an octopus, and is left as an exercise for the reader 🙂
Given a choice between these two models, I think the multiplicative model is probably closest to reality.
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