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The dance of the dead cat

The flagging of unspecified behavior in C source by static analysis tools (i.e., where the standard specifies two or more possible behaviors for translators to choose from when generating code) is starting to rather get sophisticated, some tools are working out and reporting how many different program outputs are possible given the unspecified behavior in the source (traditionally tools simply point at code containing an instance of unspecified behavior).

A while ago I created a function where the number of possible different values returned, driven by one unspecified behavior in the code, was a Fibonacci number (the value of the function parameter selected the n’th Fibonacci number).

Weird ways of generating Fibonacci numbers are great for entertaining fellow developers, but developers are unlikely to be amused by a tool that flags their code as generating Fibonacci possible values (rather than the one they are expecting).

The possibility of Fibonacci different values relies on the generated code cycling through all possible behaviors, allowed by the standard, at runtime. This can only happen if program execution uses a Just-in-Time compiler; the compile once before execution implementations used by most developers get to generate far fewer possible permitted values (i.e, two for this particular example). Who would be crazy enough to write a JIT compiler for C you ask? Those crazy people who translate C to JavaScript for one.

To be useful for developers who are not using a JIT compiler to execute their C code, static analysis tools that work out the number of possible values that could be produced are going to have to support a code-compiled-before-execution option. Tools that don’t support this option will have what they report dismissed as weird possibilities that cannot happen in the developer’s world.

In the code below, does setting the code-compiled-before-execution option guarantee that the function Schrödinger always returns 1?

int x;
int set_x(void)
return 1;
int two_values(void)
return x + set_x(); // different evaluation order -> different value
bool Schrödinger(void)
return two_values() == two_values();

A compiler is free to generate code that returns a value that depends on whether two_values appears as the left or right operand of a binary operator. Not the kind of behavior an implementor would choose on purpose, but inlining both calls could result in different evaluation orders for the two instances of the code contained in what was the function body.

Our developer friendly sophisticated static analysis tool vendor is going to have to support a different_calls_to_same_function_have_same_behavior option.

How can a developer find out whether the compiler they were using always generated code having the same external behavior for different instances of calls, in the source, to the same function? Possibilities include reading the compiler source and asking the compiler vendor (perhaps future releases of gcc and llvm will support a different_calls_to_same_function_have_same_behavior option).

As far as I know (not having spent a lot of time looking) none of the tools doing the sophisticated unspecified behavior stuff support either of the developer friendly options I am suggesting need to be supported. Tools I know about include: c-semantics (including its go faster commercial incarnation) and ch2o (which the authors tell me executes the Fibonacci code a lot faster than c-semantics; last time I looked ch2o needed more installation time for the support tools it uses than I was willing to spend, so I have not tried it); the Cerberus project has not released the source of their system yet (I’m assuming they will).

  1. Dave B.
    May 3, 2016 21:26 | #1

    How many C semantics projects are running? There’s the work that is the foundation of the CompCert C compiler, then there’s the K-Framework C-Semantics project, and now you point out the Cerberus project.

  2. May 3, 2016 22:28 | #2

    @Dave B.
    CompCert’s claim of a connection with C semantics, last time I looked, would not get past a review by advertising standards.

    All C compilers include a C semantics component

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